3月4-6日,英國Cranfield大學電氣工程首席教授Patrick Luk應我院張卓然教授邀請訪問伟德 官网電氣工程系。
Luk教授3月4日下午在智能樓四樓報告廳做了題為“Electric Machines � The enabling technology for a new wave of electrification”的學術報告。報告會由電氣系主任黃文新教授主持,電氣系老師和研究生積極參加了報告會。Luk教授詳細介紹了航空電氣、新能源汽車等發展過程中的電氣化趨勢,以及電機與控制技術對電氣化發展的重要作用。特别介紹了Cranfield大學在新型電機如超導電機等領域的研究進展。報告會上研究生和Luk教授進行了熱烈交流。
訪問期間,國際交流合作處金泉元處長、伟德 官网阮新波副院長熱情接待了Luk教授。金處長和Luk教授就雙方進一步合作和聯合培養研究生等問題進行了深入的讨論。Luk教授的來訪對于促進電氣系科學研究與學生培養的國際合作與交流具有積極作用。
Prof. Patrick Luk簡介:
Patrick Luk is the Chair Professor in Electrical Engineering and Head of Electric Power and Drives Group in the School of Engineering at Cranfield University.
He engages in fundamental and applied research in electric machines and power electronic drives, renewable energy systems, and more-electric architectures in electric vehicles and aircraft. He is the Motor Theme leader within two UK consortia with a collective funding of over £4.5M to help develop a UK-based capability for next-generation sustainable electric traction machines for transportation. He also leads the development of a novel drive system for future vehicle-to-smartgrid systems within a £1.2M UK-China consortium that involves leading academic groups, research institutions and utility companies from both countries.
He is the recipient of a number of prestigious awards He is the co-holder of 10 GB and US patents and applications on electric drives, and has over 140 publications and several book chapters. He is an associate editor for IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, and IET Journal for Renewable Power Generation.