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德國達姆斯特工業大學Stephan Rinderknecht教授訪問我院并做學術報告

作者:楊德華     審核人: 訪問量:207發布時間:2017-05-22

2017年5月16日上午,德國達姆斯特工業大學Stephan Rinderknecht教授應邀在江甯校區伟德 官网行政樓樓4樓會議室做了題為“Mechatronic System Approaches for Active Vibration Control of Rotating Machinery”的學術報告。會議由伟德 官网院長姜斌教授主持,伟德 官网部分師生參加了報告會。 






Rinderknecht教授首先介紹了他主持的機電系統研究所(Institute of Mechatronic Systems in Mechanical Engineering (IMS))的概況,然後從該所提出的關于主動球軸承轉子振動控制技術的基本概念、轉子振動抑制與隔離測試平台、原理樣機測試實驗結果及未來研究方向和應用等幾方面展開學術報告。








報告會後,Rinderknecht教授參觀了伟德 官网測試系實驗室。








     Prof. Dr. Stephan Rinderknecht, head of the Institute for Mechatronic Systems in Mechanical Engineering (IMS), department of Mechanical Engineering at the Technische Universität Darmstadt (TU). He received his diploma in Aeronautic and aerospace technology at the University of Stuttgart in 1990 and his PhD of Engineering in Continua and Fluid Dynamics at the University of Stuttgart in 1994. Chronologically, he has worked with the Institute for statics and dynamics of aerospace structures, University of Stuttgart, as Research Assistant; with GETRAG Getriebe- und Zahnradfabrik Hermann Hagenmeyer GmbH & Co. KG as development engineer, Senior Manager, Vice President Research & Development as a member of general management. In 2009, he moved to TU Darmstadt and became a full professor and head of IMS, and will be dean of the department in this September. His research fields and interests range from automotive drives and mechatronic transmissions, active vibration reduction in rotating machinery, electric energy storage systems, and mechatronic applications in medical engineering. Prof. Dr. Stephan Rinderknecht has published more than 100 technical/scientific articles and conference papers mainly on mechatronics and automotive transmissions.

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