2017年10月31日,應伟德 官网副院長阮新波教授邀請,IEEE Fellow、IEEE電力電子分會前主席Tan Don博士來我院進行交流訪問。
當天下午,在南航江甯校區電氣樓學術報告廳,Tan Don博士做了題為“The Utility’s Case for Microgrids”的學術報告。會議由伟德 官网副院長阮新波教授主持,電氣系90多名師生參加了學術報告會。Tan Don博士首先介紹了太陽能和風能的成本平價。随後,對微電網的定義,發展所需的專門技術,部署的障礙等問題進行了探讨。接着,介紹了應用微電網的諸多優勢,如可以實現變電所自動化、分級控制、頻率和相位輔助調節、削峰填谷提高電力系統容量的利用率等。最後,介紹了其所在公司目前所承擔的相關美國重大項目。報告結束後,Tan Don博士與參會師生針對報告内容進行了熱烈讨論,并參觀了多電飛機電氣系統工信部重點實驗室和江蘇省新能源發電與電能變換重點實驗室。Tan Don博士對我系在新能源發電、高效電能變換技術、微電網等方面的研究成果給予了高度評價,并希望進一步加強合作交流。
Tan Don博士簡介:Dr. Tan Don, Fellow of the IEEE, received the Ph.D. degree from the California Institute of Technology, USA. He is currently a Distinguished Engineer and Senior Staff Manager with Northrop Grumman Aerospace Systems(NGAS), USA. He is a world-renowned expert in power electronics and systems technology. He is a principal contributor to the company’s high reliability, long life, and space-qualified product lines that have produced hundreds of designs with thousands of units on orbit without a single failure. His adiabatic power conversion technology and resilient dc micro-grids have attracted more than $15M funding in 5 years. Dr. Tan served as the president of the IEEE Power Electronics Society from 2013 to 2014 and is the founding editor-in-chief of IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics. He has served in many leadership positions within the power electronics society and is the recipient of numerous prestigious professional awards.