
作者: 審核人: 訪問量:4963發布時間:2018-09-06


職稱:教授導師類别:博士生導師辦公室:伟德 官网2号樓404

1. 單細胞測序,空間轉錄組測序數據分析與處理;

2. 人類複雜疾病的遺傳學機理;

3. 基于大數據挖掘的藥物重定位。


   汪泉,博士,南京航空航天大學伟德 官网教授,博士生導師,國家級重大人才工程A類青年項目入選者。2002年至2012年在北京大學學習,獲北京大學理學博士學位,後在美國範德堡大學從事生物信息學研究工作十餘年。目前研究方向為人類複雜疾病的生物信息處理與分析,基于多組學數據融合構建統計模型,解釋複雜疾病的遺傳學機理,發掘有重定向潛力的藥物。在Nature Neuroscience, Molecular Psychiatry, Genome Biology, Bioinformatics等期刊發表論文27篇,引用超1500次,H index為16,研究成果引起新華網、福克斯新聞等知名大衆媒體的廣泛關注。受邀擔任Briefings in Bioinformatics, Human Genetics, Bioinformatics等多個國際學術期刊審稿人。 


1.Fang J1, Zhang P1, Wang Q1, Chiang CW, Zhou Y, Hou Y, Xu J, Chen R, Zhang B, Lewis SJ, Leverenz JB, Pieper AA, Li B, 

 Li L, Cummings J, Cheng F. Artificial intelligence framework identifies candidate targets for drug repurposing in 

 Alzheimer’s disease. Alzheimer's research & therapy, 14(1):1-23, 2022

2.Yang H, Chen R, Wang Q, Wei Q, Ji Y, Zhong X, Li B. TVAR: assessing tissue-specific functional effects of non-coding

 variants with deep learning. Bioinformatics, 38(20):4697-4704, 2022

3.Wang Q1, Chen R1, Cheng F, Wei Q, Ji Y, Yang H, Zhong X, Tao R, Wen Z, Sutcliffe JS, Liu C, Cook EH, Cox NJ, Li B. 

 A Bayesian framework that integrates multi-omics data and gene networks predicts risk  genes from schizophrenia GWAS 

 data. Nature Neuroscience, 22(5):691-699, 2019

4.Patton SM, Wang Q, Hulgan T, Connor JR, Jia P, Zhao Z, Letendre SL, Ellis RJ, Bush WS, Samuels DC,  Franklin DR, 

 Kaur H, Iudicello J, Grant I, Kallianpur AR. Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) biomarkers of iron  status are associated 

 with CSF viral load, antiretroviral therapy, and demographic factors in HIV-infected adults. Fluids and Barriers 

 of the CNS, 14(1):11, 2017

5.Wang Q, Yu H, Zhao Z, Jia P. EW_dmGWAS: edge-weighted dense module search for genome-wide association studies and

 gene expression profiles. Bioinformatics, 31(15):2591-2594, 2015

6.Wang Q, Jia P, Cheng F, Zhao Z. Heterogeneous DNA methylation contributes to tumorigenesis through inducing the loss

 of co-expression connectivity in colorectal cancer. Genes, Chromosomes and Cancer, 54(2):110-121, 2015

7.Zhao Z, Xu J, Chen J, Kim S, Reimers M, Bacanu SA, Yu H, Liu C, Sun J, Wang Q, Jia P, Xu F, Zhang Y, Kendler KS, Peng Z,

 Chen X (2014). Transcriptome sequencing and genome-wide association analyses reveal lysosomal function and actin 

 cytoskeleton remodeling in schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. Molecular Psychiatry, 20(5):563-572, 2015

8.Jia P, Wang Q, Chen Q, Hutchinson K, Pao W, Zhao Z. MSEA: detection and quantification of mutation hotspots through

 mutation set enrichment analysis. Genome Biology, 15(10):489, 2014

9.Wang Q, Peng P, Qian M, Wan L, Deng M. Hybridization and amplification rate correction for Affymetrix SNP arrays.

 BMC medical genomics, 5(24), 2012.

10.Wang Q, Wan L, Li D, Zhu L, Qian M, Deng M. Searching for bidirectional promoters in Arabidopsis thaliana. BMC 

 Bioinformatics, 10(Suppl 1):S29, 2009.

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